Individual Sovereignty

The ‘Why’ of Spiritual Awakening

Signs of a Spiritual Awakening

You may have noticed over the past few years that your intuition has become quite sharp, and you tend to know things before they happen.

Perhaps you will have a profound thought and then an amazing coincidence occurs.

Like a hawk descending to your front lawn in the middle of an urban residential area. (This has actually happened to a friend of mine a few times.)

When friends or family confide in you often know what to say instantly in words that never came naturally to you before. And those words are the catalyst for profound growth in your friends and family

Maybe you can feel the energy of a room or “know” someone you just met.

Or maybe you’ve even acquired the ability to heal others by touch or even by thought alone.

This day and age is confusing enough without managing these unexplained experiences. You may wonder,

What is happening to me, and why now, all at once?

While no one person has all the answers, and only you know best when it comes to your subjective experience, this article may provide some useful perspective.

The Purpose of Mystical Experience

All the things listed above are forms of mystical experience. Mystical means an encounter with mystery, or the aspects of Life that we cannot yet fully comprehend.

To be a mystic is to dance with the unknown and unknowable, occasionally harnessing the knowledge and power of this Mystery. One would hope that as one becomes adept at this dance, the knowledge and power is turned to the benefit of one’s self, the folk, and the fauna around you.

In short, the purpose of mystical experiences is to remind us of our connection with The ALL, and help us SEE better, so we may make better choices, obtain true freedom, happier days, and healthier bodies.

Another phrase for this is spiritual awakening.

Why Do We Have Spiritual Awakening?

What’s so special about me?

Well, nothing…and everything.

We’ve seen memes circulate in Western culture since the 1960s (and even before) of “awakening from sleep.” When Americans re-discovered psychedelics and meditation in the late 60s, a wave of incredible art came through the culture, screaming of inner demons conquered, transcendence of the mundane, and discovery of the meaning of life.

Among these tomes, songs, and art was Frank Herbert’s Dune (1965), a sprawling space epic that blew the minds of deep thinkers everywhere. In 1984, filmmaker (and avid meditator) David Lynch was able to cobble together a semi-coherent film version of Herbert’s work. Though notoriously difficult to adapt to a visual medium and cursed to be misunderstood by the general public, Dune (1984) brought spiritual awakening into the fore of Western culture.

The same could be said of the Wachowski sibling film The Matrix (1999). Neo wakes from what he thinks is the real world, only to be faced with a truth that is so unfathomable, he nearly cannot hold the information in his body.

As is said in Lynch’s Dune, “The sleeper must awaken.” It’s just a matter of when and how.

One will either awaken on one’s own, or something, some event, or personal encounter will cause your eyes to open.

Whatever the cause, it is as if you are Awake just before Dawn. Watching everyone else still sleeping, you may feel alone, disoriented, and confused. Should you go back to sleep? No.

The Dawn is cresting over the dark horizon. And those who will not wake will be lost to the Day and all that happens therein. They will not see; their dreams feel real.

But most will awaken with the Rising Light. You, you are an early riser.

The purpose of your early awakening is to become acquainted with this new world and to help yourself and others find your way in it.

How Do I Use My Mystical Abilities?

It would be easy for me to say find a teacher to tell you how to use mystical abilities. Unfortunately, that is not how the “new world/new age” works.

(and those who claim it does are likely looking to withdraw energy from folks without giving much in return.)

In the “Age of Aquarius” it is the self-actualization of the Individual that is paramount. In return, the Individual is expected to benefit the Collective with their talents and energy.

In the coming age, there is no greater guru than yourself.

Your own life will teach if you listen. Your own flaws will refine you if you are humble. Your own Higher Self will orchestrate encounters with information and people to learn from.

And perhaps you will study with an energy artesian for a while. But word to the wise, the Darkness reaches its tendrils everywhere. All are tempted, and many give in to their base nature.

Walk with the curiosity of a child, and be wise as a serpent.

If you are a woman who is in the middle of an Energetic/Spiritual Awakening and you need to find your bearings, I welcome you to join the Folkmother Tribe.

This is a free community of sovereign women who feel the call to Mystic Elderhood. We share wisdom freely, uplift the weary, enable the bold, and stand in our Truth.

If this is kind of community sounds nourishing, join here for free:   JOIN THE TRIBE